Wednesday, February 16, 2011

UPDATE! On life.

Ready for a long one?
Wow I feel like such a slacker. 
Seriously, I should have updated a 
LOT of this information a long time ago. 
But I was waiting to put the pictures up--and found that I never wanted to take the time when I had other stuff I could be doing. 
Like watching movies. 
And spending time with my phenomenal boyfriend. 
And sleeping. 
You know, really important stuff. 
So I want to document the updates and recent events that I have pictures of. (Read: Dates basically and time with Weston)

First is our epic Snowboarding adventure. 
Weston hasn't been snowboarding since before his mission 
(Almost 3 years since he had left in June) 
so my Christmas gift to him was lift tickets 
to Brian Head a weekend in January. 
As luck would have it, Brian Head also had a deal for 1st time snowboarders. (i.e. ME) 
I'll admit, first things first, snowboarding really isn't up my alley. 
And I was terrified.(Still am come to think of it.) 
However, since I knew it would be important to him off we went.
We went down on a Friday night and 
stayed in Cedar with his sister and her family. 
Now that was the fun part. Omi goodness. 
Cedar has a new aquatics center that was killer. 
I want to know why they couldn't 
have put that in when I was there. 
It has foam for the bottom so it's not as 
killer when you bump a knee etc. 
There are crazy fun play places, including slip and slides, 
a lazy river, and a hydrotube slide.
There was also a separate pool for lap swimming and meets.
Saturday we trekked towards Brian Head. 
Okay, I'll be honest, we drove. 
It was actually a fairly decent day to be out, despite the snow.
Once we got to Brian Head we suited up.
(How I Met Your Mother fans anyone?) 
The pass I got included rentals, a ski lesson and a lift ticket.
For less than normal lift tickets! 
That was an amazing deal. And can I just say, 
I definitely needed the lesson. 
I had nightmares about snowboarding. 
About falling down. And not being able to do it. 
Let me just say this: it was much much worse.
Not even being dramatic here--okay, I'm being a little dramatic. 
My lesson wasn't until later in the day so 
Weston tried to teach me. It didn't work.
I still ended up either butt, knee, or face-planting and was pretty much on the verge of tears.
Funnily, the worst part was the fact that Weston was still such a sweetheart. He was trying to be so patient and kind. 
It just made me madder at myself because I couldn't even be mad at him. I know, it doesn't make sense. But I seldom do. 
By the time for my class I had made it down twice and was ready to quit. I just wanted to go to the lodge and read a book or something.
I had a bruised tailbone, not to mention my ego. Or my dignity.
But, because I knew it would disappoint Weston I decided to take the lesson. I'm glad I did--sort of. 
Glad because I did better and wasn't as frustrated. 
It wasn't so good because now I am at least considering (albeit still in the far future) that it's something I would try again. 
After my lesson though I went to the lodge and relaxed for a little while until Weston was done.
All around it was actually a good day, even though still, 3 weeks later its hard to sit in certain positions.
After the joy of standing on a board in the snow we got ready
and went to dinner with Weston's sisters, brother-in-law, nieces and a roommate. 
We ate at Wingers and had a lot of fun. 
Here is Weston's younger sister and her roommate.
His sister and brother-in-law kept ragging each other all night. 
They were so mean! 
Which, of course, kept the rest of us laughing.
This is his older sister, her daughter 
(adorable sweetheart who wants me to come over all the time) 
and Weston and I. I forgot to snap a picture of his youngest niece,
she's in a high chair in between everyone.
That was a really fun weekend!
Snowboarding was fun because Weston had fun. 
And I was able to spend a lot of quality time with his sister and get to know and love their family. 

Onto the next joy and fun. The first week of February I was sick--not terribly so, just a cold and ear ache.
Weston was such a sweet heart. 
He would take care of me, tuck me into bed, 
make sure I had medicine. 
That sort of thing. I was eternally grateful.
The clincher was when he brought me something to my work 
and told me that while he was at my house 
he'd done my dishes and put in a load of laundry.
I never understood it before 
BUT there is something incredibly attractive 
about a man doing housework.
When he ended by telling me to get something out for dinner
and he'd cook before I got home.
So I planned a surprise date. 
It was great. Simply marvelous. 
I went and got everything ready including a sign on my front door inviting him to come in and relax for a winter picnic. 
(Sorry I didn't take a picture of the sign)
Here's Weston next to our array of fun.

We cooked everything on the stove since I thought it would take too long for my fire to get hot enough.
We did roast the marshmallows on my stove though. And toasted the bagels with cheese on them. 
Very simple but oh-so delicious.

Then added some mood lighting. 
It was more of a "camp out" than a winter picnic 
since I don't get out of work til later 
but I wanted to have mood lighting 
and set votives all around the
room with the wood stove.

He was surprised and felt special. 
I want to keep him feeling that way--
it means he does my dishes. 
(Don't tell him I said that.) But I had fun too.

 Brats, Bagels, Potato Salad and Sparkling Cider.

Now onward still. 
We went to the Jazz game on February 9, 2011.
Weston's work was sponsoring a deal for lower bowl tickets 
for a really good price--the two of us got in for less 
than what one person normally pays! 
And while, no I don't follow the Jazz (or any sport)
on a regular basis I still thought it sounded fun,
because, you know, I'm spending it with the man I'm in love with.
:D (Yeah still twitterpated here)
We left early and wandered around temple square 
then we ate at "The Garden" 
[picture compliments of google]
It's a quaint and nice restaurant at the top floor of the
Joseph Smith Memorial Building
that is not as pricey as it's counterpart "The Roof"
but is still a fun place to go, sit, relax, eat and enjoy.
It's got a great view AND (not that this happened in February)
when the weather is nice the roof is retractable. 
It's a great place to eat and have fun. 
We were lucky again and even arrived for the Early Bird special
where it was 2 dollars cheaper 
and came with a bowl of ice cream. 
Divine, I tell you. Simply divine.
After eating we asked a cute little couple to take a picture for us. 
He was a hoot.He made us move several times 
until we could find the right lighting so that everything would look perfect.
I guess I have to admit, he didn't do too bad of a job.
Then there was the jazz game. 
It was actually fun. (I know I shouldn't sound so surprised)
The game was against the Chicago Bulls, 
Carlos Boozer (formally a Jazz player) was on the team. 
Everyone who follows Jazz at my work told me 
I needed to Boo him.
Well apparently, it's a crowd thing because when he came in, 
the crowd booed. AND anytime he touched the ball. 
That was probably the funnest part of the game.
Since we were on the side we got noise makers 
for the last half of the game. 
That was fairly epic as well.
(I mean come on, who doesn't love making loud noises
and cheering like an imbecile for no real reason?)
Sadly the Jazz lost, but it was still a close game and really fun. 
Also, it was history in the making as it ended up being 
Jerry Sloan's last game, 
he resigned the next day.

Now lastly, Valentines. I LOVE Valentines. 
I AM an utterly hopeless romantic.
However, I've always had bad luck with Valentines 
when I'm in a relationship.
I decided it was mostly due to high expectations and hopes. 
I knew Weston wasn't planning much, 
he had decided that the Jazz game was our Valentines.
Not really my idea of Romance.
So, I decided this year I was going to plan my own romance.
I got a lot of funny comments on how
that was supposed to be the man's duty, etc.

I woke up at 5 that morning and cooked/took 
Weston breakfast to his apartment before I went to work.
He gave me a gift of perfume and a purse. 
Then I surprised him with a candlelight dinner that night 
after he was done with school.
I cooked steaks, salad (with strawberries, 
carmelized onions, green peppers, etc.) 
butter and herb pasta, vegetables and then cookies. 
I put a love quote on the door.
I used the subway art printable found here
And had love quotes and in the end a love note on the table
as well as, of course, candlelight. 
We built a fire and enjoyed a great dinner.
And guess what, I LOVED it. 
Best Valentines ever! 
I was able to have fun and felt  the romance 
that I would like without being dependent 
on him especially since we both have crazy
schedules with work and school--
he has an evening class Mondays and Wednesdays. 
And I like being able to surprise him. I'll admit, I love this man. 
He is amazing and makes me so happy.
I like to think that I make him happy too. 
I know that it won't always be this way. 
I still keep waiting for it to stop though,
for real life to kick in and remind me that 
he's going to drive me crazy at times
and make me cry and scream and want to yell. 
Because that's life. But it still hasn't happened. 
Not that we haven't had trials.
But we've worked through them and haven't gotten upset 
but instead love each other even more.
I love this. 
Because I'll admit, I'm not a whirlwind romance type of person. 
I think that in order for people to really prepare for marriage
they need to go through things 
so that they are able to know how the 
other person responds under different situations.
And while this has been a whirlwind, 
I am grateful that we spend enough time with each other 
and been give an assortment of trials and 
situations to learn more about each other. 
Because that's important for me to learn to trust. 
And this man, well, I trust him with my life.
And, as cheesy as it sounds, more importantly, my heart. 
Yeah, that's right. We're in Love.
Hope everyone had a HAPPY VALENTINE DAY!


Toni de Tiger said...

It makes me so happy to see you so happy! I truly am so happy and excited for you and for all that is going on in your life! You are the most amazing person and you deserve the best! I'm grateful to know you and have you be a huge part of who I am! I love you dearly pretty girl! :)

Charlotte Long said...

You are AMAZING!! I love you! I am so happy for you. =D We should go on a double date sometime when you have time. Maybe this weekend? Call me. I really love you! And you really are so amazing!