Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Gasoline Runs

So I have officially taken out my 1st loan--scary scary thing that. It's weird because I have spent my college career being like 'loans are bad don't have one'. I made it through my bachelors without any--so now it's sort of a paradigm shift to have done so. But I did get my dream car. And I love him. (Yeah, it's a he) I named him Percy. He's not been very expensive & it's nice to know that I'm realistic enough to have a dream car that's actually real.
But other than Percy not too much is new in my life. I'm getting frustrated because I normally get the emails my missionary sends his family and I haven't for this month. But checking his mom's facebook he is sending letters. Is that stalkerish of me to do? and to be annoyed about? But it is frustrating. *sigh* He's been gone 20 months now & so I only have 4 more months of this insanity before I move onto a different craziness. But man these last 4 months are going to be so scary and hard.
That's all that I've got.

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