Tuesday, September 8, 2009

They Seek Him Here

"They seek him here, they seek him there"
Everyday people search for him everywhere."
This weekend I got to go to the play the Scarlet Pimpernel at a semi-professional local theatre. It was great, I spent the time with two of my best friends. It was great to see Heather again, it's only been a few weeks but I miss the girl. And I love spending time with my other self anyday. The play, in and of itself was somewhat of a disappointment. It's confusing to explain my feelings because I did enjoy the play, I was entertained, the acting was phenomenal and the set was astounding. But I'm assuming the director has never read the Scarlet Pimpernel & only seen one of the movies. I'm a HUGE Percy fan. And if annoys me greatly when people mess up the characters. In this case the actor did great for what he was given. But somebody, somewhere did not get the real effect of the Pimpernel. I've never come out of a play at the Hale disappointed but now. And even now I did enjoy. But I was also disappointed.
The weekend was good though. I spent a lot of time with my family and friends and there was a lot of relaxation, Criminal Minds, & Buffy the Vampire Slayer going on. All in all, nothing too disappointing. My life is way too blessed, not that I'm complaining.

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