Tuesday, May 10, 2011

30 Day Challenge--Day Nineteen

Day 19
A picture and a letter
To a very Special Person.
Dear Little Brother,
I just don't think I tell you enough how much I love you and how proud I am of you. I know that I royally messed up this last weekend: So I want to say I'm sorry. I should not have reacted so selfishly. I should have looked at the positives and remembered how important this was to you. That this isn't just my time. But it's your time as well. We have both made major decision lately. Our lives will never be the same again. BUT they will be better. Not necessarily easier, but better. However, whatever happens I pray that we will still turn to each other and rely on family. I hope you never doubt that I love you. That you know how much I admire you. And that You will always know how proud I am for making the decisions you have. For facing the challenges in your life and coming on top. And for going out to share yourself with others out there.
Know that you will be a fabulous missionary. Those that you teach will be touched because you are there. And that there will be experiences you never could even dream of having. I'm so excited for you. So proud of all that you are. And I'm sorry I don't let you know enough. Love you bud.
Have a great next two years.
God Speed.
Love Your FAVORITE and only,

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