I say that I would like to forget this experience so Allison asked if I could share it. Ha ha. No offense Allison, I'm actually good sharing it. So, as embarrassing as it is--which I'm sure makes it better for you. I'm going to share my experience with the Ring
First off, I need to announce that I do NOT handle scary movies well. So, I don't watch them most of the time. There was even a stint last year where we had a "Supernatural" (like the TV series) night- I screamed in everyone and couldn't ride in my car at nights for a week. I can handle--sometimes, more realistic movies, For instance I LOVE the movie Disturbia. But it's more about the suspense than it is killing people and there is no supernatural evil thing. Anyway this doesn't have much to do with the story besides setting a premise so that everyone understands I DO NOT do scary movies.I took a film class my senior year in high school. One of the movies that was a requirement to watch was The Ring. Needless to say, I wasn't too pleased but there was no way that I was going to watch that movie with the class and show them how ridiculously chicken I am. So my bright idea was to rent it and watch it with my boyfriend and little brother. It was horrendous. We had other friends over and one of them kept purposely scaring me. And then pointed out that the time was the same where we were as it was somewhere else. THEN once I got home (around 9:30 at night) someone called me to say "You will die in 7 days". THEN I couldn't sleep.
See, most scary movies happen at night so I'm ok so long as I have a light on. Not The Ring. She attacks you whether it night or day. In fact it's light through most of the movie. So having my light on wasn't helping but turning it off just made EVERYTHING look like this girl. Finally around 1 in the morning--after getting NO sleep, 17 year old High School Senior me finally treks downstairs...and asks to get in bed with my parents because I couldn't sleep. They laughed and my Dad told me to go sleep in the family room. Which is where our main TV is. If you haven't seen this movie I'm sorry for the spoiler but she COMES OUT OF THE TELEVISION! And sucks someone dry!
Of course, I started freaking out. And was nearly in tears before my parents agreed to let me in. Funny thing is, my parents have a TV in their room. BUT I knew that if she was going to come and kill me she would have to go through them. So, I spent the night safely, away from demonic evil killers, in between the two people who love me most.
When I woke up in the morning my loving parents were relentless. They told me how glad they were that they knew I still felt comfortable having them to protect me. There were a few jokes thrown in about how they remember when I was 5. It was embarrassing. And I still had nightmares the next night--however, this time in my own bed. And it's what has made me decide if I watch a scary movie its something like Disturbia that's suspense and guessing games. Minimal killing. And NO scary demonic people.