I've been slacking. Seriously bad. My excuse is that I wanted to post pictures of Disneyland but I never get on my blog when I'm on the computer that has my pictures. So maybe next time. For now I'm going to put on here the events of my life.
Disneyland was amazing. I got to spend 5 days with 2 of my favorite people in the world. Away from the drama that I make for myself and just reality really. Disneyland was heaven and joy--mostly because of the people I was with. I will say though that my feet hurt so bad! After three days of zipping around Disneyland and California Adventure I guess it's to be expected.
The second day at Disneyland it rained. But was okay because we have excellent timing and went to eat at the Rainforest Cafe. That was actually a lot of fun. Crazy and not something I would normally do. But really, that was part of the fun. Hmm...I'm trying to think of all the amazingness without going onto every ride we did. Screamin' is ultimately my favorite ride. Poor Toni probably hated me by the end of the trip cause I kept dragging us all back to it.
It attempted rain the last two days at Disneyland but really that was okay because it kept the park less busy. Our last day Toni convinced us to do the Grizzly Bear Rapids and Splash Mountain despite the incumbent weather and I am really glad we did. For one we got fabulous ponchos--I don't think I managed to get a picture. And I'd never been on the Grizzly Rapids--and I always enjoy Splash Mountain. All of it was great though.
Our ride home was fraught with adventure and danger as well. (Okay, I'm being a little dramatic) BUT we did get lost--in industrial L.A. area. It was pretty freaking scary. Seriously it was probably around 9:30 in the morning and even still I locked the doors. Toni was getting sick and I was a jerk and wouldn't even let her out for that. The poor girl, it really seems like I beat up on her a lot that trip. But we did make it home safely and securely and so everything worked out well.
I got sick the day after we got home so that put me out of the game for a couple of days as well. The last couple of weeks I have basically just worked and had my EMT class. And house searching. In which, I must air to all. I was successful. It's great. I'm very excited to move out and to be able to have something my own. I just feel more adult that way. ^ ^ It's a small 2 bedroom modular in the same town but still just away. I also bought a table and chairs for it. I have a marvelous friend who is going to give me her couch and I'll just piece everything together slowly. It's wonderful. I am so blessed with it all.
So that's the news in my life. I will move out conference/easter weekend and hope that all goes well.
Oh and for the heck of it here's my random blogging fun. A triple dose.
Three things you can’t go without.
Three celebrity crushes.
-Shia Le Beouf
-Taylor Lautner (even if he is younger)
-Vin Diesel
Three favorite book characters.
-Percy Blakeney (Scarlet Pimpernel)
-Ginny (Only Alien On the Planet)
-Thatcher Wood (Quandaries of a Quirky Romantic—not technically a book, but I’m counting.)
Three favorite things to wear.
-Feminine Blouses
-Green hi-tops
-Super cute jeans (How Valley Girl do I sound saying that)
Three things you want in a relationship.
-Someone I can trust and love
-Someone I can talk with and often to
-Someone who will cuddle me
-(And because three just doesn’t cut it) who has the same faith as I do.
Three pet peeves.
-People who won’t take responsibility for their actions.
-People who have decided they know exactly how I should be living my life—and then proceeding to tell me about it.
-People who disregard your emotions because “it was only to be expected”
Three things you’d do if you weren’t so afraid.
-Ask more questions.
-Talk to people.
-Kiss a stranger.
Three favorite TV shows
-Big Bang Theory
Three Things You Want
-A Bed
-A T.V.
17 days! Or something like that.
12 years ago
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