Tuesday, January 18, 2011

...Do you know what day it is?

Today is "Make a List of Your Top 10 Favorite TV Characters"...It is also "Hair Dryer Appreciation"I know, I really want to know whose job that is. I think it would be hoppin! You could just make up things all the time. And then people would talk about them. But anywho...since I have a million other things I should be doing that I'm procrastinating I have decided I wanted to put up my Top 10 Favorite TV Characters--so that I can say I fully participated in this day.

1. Seely Booth from Bones. Probably my favortie series at the moment. I like Emily Deschanel and I love the relationship between Bones and Booth and such. But Booth appeals to me more. And it is NOT just because he is attractive (although that is undeniable) It's the fact the he is the counterpart--He's religious, has an inherent sense of duty, honor and goodness. I love that. While Bones presents the purely scientific--he's the human side of things.

2. Garcia from Criminal Minds--could there be a more awesome character? She's hott--actually looks like she's human and gets to flirt with the cutest guy on the team. I love how spunky she can be. But lets face it: Her main appeal to viewers is the fact that she's real. She's human. She's not stick thin. She has insecurities and doubts and she sometimes messes up. Of all the characters out there in TV Land I think Garcia is one of the most believable, and most lovable on this show. Except for the whole computer whiz able to find anything thing.

3. & 4. Leonard and Penny from Big Bang Theory. This show is pretty much, hilarious. I wish it didn't have so much innuendo. Leonard is great because, well, he's freaking adorable. In a pat your head and coo at you sort of way. Like a puppy dog. Penny is fun because she doesn't understand half of whats going on but she learns to accept and love her neighbors that in other conditions she would most likely never speak to.

5. Abby from NCIS. She's like Garcia but thinner and more tattooed and less believable. (I took a forensic class there's no way anybody is that fast or that skilled or has that many databases.) But the appeal with Abby (at least for me) is that she is a bundle of contradictions. She sleeps in a coffin and looks stereotype "goth" but she hugs everybody and cries when something is wrong and reacts with emotions--which TV doesn't normally portray from someone who is "scientifc". She even causes Gibbs to cater to her.

6. Jeannie from I Dream of Jeannie--or is it Tony that I love? I'm never sure. But this show is still a personal favorite. I remember when I was little it was the show to watch during the summer.

7. Angela Montenegro from Bones, again. She is gorgeous, spunky and caring. With exception to her...*ahem* open lifestyle I love the personality of this character. If anything I have to hand it to the writers of Bones they put feeling into their characters. They can make them completely oblivious and yet so insightful and they really get a feel in the psyche of the characters. Angela, I feel, is one of the masterpieces. Because they integrate so many emotions within her.

8. Morgan from Criminal Minds. Mmmm, Morgan. I have to be honest he's partly on there because he is so stinking attractive. But I love the relationship they portray between him and Garcia. Theres always an appeal to have an albeit gorgeous, but down to earth and not model thin to end up with the hunk. In addition to this Morgan is the typical boy everyone wants to love. He's caring, secretive and has a chip on his shoulder. As girls, we're such masochists.

9. Reba from, well, Reba. Officially an amazing sitcom. It has very little crude humor, actually teaches life lessons and has a great grasp on systems theory. (Hey, MFT in training.) Reba is adorable, hilarious and always handles what life brings her. Making her very admirable.

10. Sabrina from Sabrina the Teenage Witch. We call this Twinkie TV (well one of my coworkers does and I'm adopting it because it fits) it's one of those things you don't want to advertise that you watch (which I guess, I'm still doing) But it's so fluffy and good that sometimes we just have to have it. Sabrina is always learning and messing up and learning some more. She's good hearted but real--she gets jealous and angry and sad and she doesn't always act appropriately. Thats why I love it.

Well that's that for the TV Characters. I know, they're a little sad. I watch a LOT of crime TV. I don't know why, it's not like the world isn't horrible enough without adding to it. But I love the drama and the side stories, etc.

Now for giving an Ode to Hair Dryers...well, I'm at a loss. I didn't even use my blow dryer this morning. He must feel lost and forgotten. Alas, I'm getting tired of this post.

Monday, January 10, 2011


You've all seen this before:

My kitchen! Sad, inn't it. Unless you like those colors. More power to you then.

Personally I'm not the biggest fan of brown. Or any combination of yellow brown and orange--all together, in one room. And I like my kitchen to be a nice happy place with sunshine.
This doesn't do that for me. Instead I think of the 70s--which I wasn't even alive for. And rainstorms...And the fact that the owners before me obviously had a wood burning stove. And didn't clean the walls--ever.
So FINALLY! The moment of reveal for my kitchen to become a nice place. Where people want to visit. Because, you see, eating is important to me. And I keep blathering when really all you want to see if the picture I'm sure. So here goes:

WELCOME TO MY WORLD! Fabulous right? At least I think so. Definitely a huge, cheerful improvement. And quite like my envisioning of the place.
At first I worried about the black fridge and stove with white cabinets--really I didn't know how I'd like black appliances at .
I find though that I like the contrast better than I think I would white. Forgive the dishwasher though. It stays in its place because as of now, I can live without a new one.

Pretty nifty what a couple gallons of paint, some neat little touches and a inhabitance can do with a place huh? I love it! In fact, I want to spend all my time there. AND I'm now anxious to try the next room.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Years

Wow! The new year is here. Where did the time go? Looking back I want to talk about the events in my life for 2010--the few that I can remember. January 2010 marked the 6 month mark of my being back in the small town I grew up in. I started an EMT class with my Dad and worked and went to school as if my life on depended it. I worked on mending my broken heart and trying to remain grateful and optimistic. I spent Valentines Day with one of my best friends and we got lost going to the Timpanogos Temple--GPS wouldn't find it! For Presidents Day I did a crazy trip with my family to Goblin Valley--NOTE: DO NOT GO IN FREEZING WEATHER. In March I went to Disneyland with 2 of my best friends! It was phenomenal! I love that place! Should go back soon. After that I went to the homecoming for the missionary I waited for. Then there was the trip to arches--the weather was almost nice that time at least. In April my EMT class was done (which was a huge relief), I ran into Eric (the missionary) and I moved out of my family's house to my own apartment. Eric and I started dating--he went to Europe--and I decided to apply for a Masters Program. I was accepted, officially into the Masters of Marriage and Family Therapy Program and started that in May.Whew busy. I passed the certification process for me to be a Certified EMT--which, is quite an improvement from panic attacks at flashing lights and sirens to the cause of them. I don't run with an ambulance--the possibility of panic attacks is not worth it again, but the class was a huge step in the process for me. My little brother graduated from High School in May as well--*sob* I can't believe he is growing up. The first of June, Eric and I broke up. (For the final time.) I was, once again, heartbroken. But continue to recognize it as an amazing experience. Throughout the summer I began a projecting frenzy--I started to find crafter blogs. (Which is a bad idea, because then I begin to think that maybe I can do those things too.) My best friend got engaged in June and I worked and went to school. I turned 21 in July, bought a sewing machine and helped my other, already engaged, best friend with preparations for her wedding. She got married in August (finally--it was tons of work but amazing), I officially finished my first semester in a graduate program--did rather well too. Then started another. And I started getting a social life! *gasp* I met the most amazing girls and gained a group of friends to spend time with. It was an answer to my prayers. I started an institute class (amazing!) and finally realized that the secret to life is to be happy-no matter what. And I started to consider buying a house--which was freaky and scary and insane to even consider. I didn't really want to, and even more, I was scared. But through some undeniable promptings I knew it was the right thing to do. In September I found my house and started the process to buy it--LONG! I was set to close in October. October was a whirlwind of moving back home (supposed to be for only 2 weeks), me fixing up the [floor-less] bathrooms in my house so I could obtain the loan that I was set up for--my other best friend got married (perfect wedding!--her words) and then 3 days before I was set to close foreclosures throughout the nation froze up-- >.< (Insert angry me.) So I was destined to be with my family until December. I was able to go with my mom to the General Relief Society Broadcast in the Conference Center. Then at the end of October was Halloween (I love holidays--especially ones with themes--costumes and candy definitely help my love as well.) I also went on a date with a boy--and fell in love. Well, not right off but still, it happened rather quickly. And crazily. Pretty much he has swept me off my feet. Life has been a whirlwind ever since. November consisted of school and dating and trying to still maintain a social life (=epic fail), Thanksgiving (mmm....food), I met Weston's family and luckily the weather was great. December rolled along and I FINALLY got into my house! Yay moving. Went to the Christmas Devotional with Weston and my family. Finished school. Had a couple of crazy snow storms (ergh! Not snow!!) My little brother received his mission call. Weston and I figured Christmas between the two families.There was also a flurry amidst painting, my job changing, more snow and finally New Years. And that, folks, is 2010.


Goblin Valley with my Family February

Arches with Family March

Disneyland with Heather and Toni March
(--Still eternal gratitude to you guys!)
Father's Day June
Fish Lake with Family
4th of July in Annabellaincluding mi amazingness Grandpa
Palisade with Friends July

July 24th Weekend Camping up Fairview

Lagoon Trip (woo hoo!) July or August (?)

McArthur Family Reunion August

They will both KILL me for putting these online!

Other self's Wedding August

Best Friend #2 Wedding October

One of many Denny's runs Fall

Halloween Party October

Driving Around November

Winter Ball November/December?

Christmas Tree Hunting (please note the Love on the Chimney--it's awesome)

Christmas Devotional December

Mission Call--December 23

Christmas Morning with Weston's FamilyNow finally, the boring part


1. Finding Joy in the Journey--I want to be able to look at life with optimism and gratitude.

2. In everything I do, do the best I can.

3. Be enthusiastic about school.

4. Run at least 2 5ks and train for a half-marathon

5. Read 3 non-fiction books for enjoyment (NOT for school)

6. Be sincere in all my doings

7. Create and stick to a budget