Wednesday, June 29, 2011

30 Day Challenge--Day Twenty-four

Day 24 
A picture of something you wish you could change
I've worked as a Victim's Advocate in the past--I would probably talk about how big this is anyway BUT the past 3 weeks I have had 3 women in my life who are in abusive relationships. Two of them haven't even been married a year. The other isn't even married. And it breaks my heart.
These are amazing, beautiful, strong women. Women who have a lot to offer a man. The man who receives a woman's heart has received a gift. It's the same with women and men. In fact, period the end: If someone offers their heart to another, they are offering a gift that is beyond comparison. Priceless. And yet some take it for granted. Others destroy.
The destruction needs to stop. I have absolutely no respect for someone who can call their spouse names, who can isolate them, control them or cause them physical harm. If there's one class that should have been mandatory in school it should have been "Dating and Relationships" and there should have been a long section on abuse. And how those who abuse are weak, lack self control. And are basically scum of the earth.
There are many efforts to stop Domestic Violence but it comes down to the choices of the abuser. If I could change anything--it would be those choices.


Brit said...

I've actually met people on both sides of the issue, abused and abuser. I've also learned that some of those that do abuse really do want to change. Yes they lack that control, and they have no idea how to get it. They struggle to be better and are filled with self-loathing every time they hurt someone that they do genuinely love. For some of them the problems results from mental illness, others from being abused themselves, and others just don't know how to be better. But they are aware that what they are doing is wrong, and they try so hard to be better, but it's not easy to change. Through my experiences I've learned that people aren't black and white, and don't jump so quickly to judge someone until you know their full story from their perspective.

SariahHunt said...

Brit, I agree with you. I've worked with both abuser and victim. And I know that most of the time the abuser has been abused themselves. That still doesn't make it right. Or take away any of the choices.