Life as I Know It
Well, I am very grateful for my life. Things haven’t been bad so far. I am a moron and feel a lot of anxiety and I think that I will until Sunday when I go to “The Homecoming” Okay, so really it shouldn’t be a big enough deal to put capital letters on but I will be ready to get it over with this At least that's what I keep telling myself. I hate all of this. I hate that I’m still basing things on it. I really am as pathetic as I feel. *sigh* But lets not dwell on my insecurites and how pathetic I am.
But my EMT class is going smashingly. It makes me extremely busy but really that can only be a good thing. I’m learning a lot and getting to see a lot of really gross pictures. It also reminds me that I’m very grateful to have chosen the career I did. I really had wanted something in the medical field but I can see that I wouldn’t have enjoyed it the way I do working with people now. But it’s good knowledge and I think that I’ll enjoy volunteering for the ambulance. So in many ways I get the best of both worlds. On Saturday we’re having class all day and we’re learning how to triage—which is sorting people in mass casualties and how to extricate people from vehicles. That will be pretty cool. Not to mention the bandaging and to splint. Things like bulging eyeballs and such. Yeah, it’s pretty great.
Then I’m going to Disneyland in a week. I am so excited. I seriously have some of the most amazing people in my life. We will be leaving on Thursday and will have 3 glorious days in California. With Disney surrounding us. And sun. Woo hoo. I can honestly say that this will be relieving. I hope that it's not pathetic. ^ ^ And that's mostly my life. It's great. I'm very blessed. Even when I don't recognize it. It's hard to feel sorry for yourself when you realize you're blessings.
And I’m still on my hey-random-blogging-things-of-no-importance kick. So, here are various favorites.
My favorite colors are GREEN & PURPLE! Because they are just so fun and bright and happy. When I wear them I feel like I can brighten the world.
My favorite place in the whole world is the temple, especially the Manti Temple. It is where I go anytime that I have worries or struggles. Where I’m most happy and where I find the most peace. I’m so lucky that it is so close.
My favorite dream was being content. Where I just drifting off, sort of floating around. I don’t know why but it always makes me feel content.
My favorite food is whatever is going into my mouth at the time, mostly. With the exception of mushrooms, octopus, and brussel sprouts I’m generally good.
My Favorite flavor of ice cream is Half BakedÃ’. Seriously, this stuff is more than ice cream it’s like a way of life. A girl’s best friend. You don’t just have ice cream but you also have chunks of brownies, globs of cookie dough
My favorite type of music is musicals. What can I say? I live for corn and cheese.
What was your favorite subject in school? Drama. Or human biology.
Who was your favorite teacher? Hm… In Elementary Mr. Blauer. In Jr. High Mrs. Chamberlain. In High School Mrs. Liddell or Mr. Eastman. And in College probably Steve. Or Jen. Overall—probably Steve.
What was your favorite cartoon? That’s got to be a mix between X-men Evolution and Gargoyles.
As a child, who was your favorite relative? Hm, my Grandpa McArthur. He was wonderful. I loved spending time with him. *Sigh* I really miss him.
My favorite outfit right now is probably cute jeans, a frilly top and flats. Comfy yet cute.
My favorite book is Scarlet Pimpernel right now. Yeah, that’s a good one.
My favorite comedian is Brian Regan.
My favorite animal is a dog. Mostly because of my puppy.
My favorite movie is The Blind Side.
My favorite activity is reading a book.
My favorite candy bar is Twix.
And that's really all the favorites I can think of.
17 days! Or something like that.
12 years ago