Tuesday, June 26, 2012

6-Word Love Stories

I was reading on The Lettered Cottage and their post "Six-Word Love Stories". It made me think of our love story and what I would put for a Six Word Love Story. Even though I'm the daughter of a Math teacher, I had a hard time determining what would be exactly 6 words. And how to really put our relationship. This is the one the I feel works the best though.

I laughed until I cried. Love.

Some others I can think of are:

Strangers first, Friends Later, Love Forever.

Institute. Parents. Manti Temple. For Eternity. 
(This would be where we met. Our first kiss. The temple is where we got engaged AND married. )

This is really addicting. And lots of fun. So try it out.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Ponderings and Testage... A really LONG post.

Originally I intended to write about my experience with the 3 Hour Glucose Test..and I'm sure I had other things to say. But then life really got in the way. So, I'll share about our last 2 weeks of adventure, sad times, scary things and many many blessings.
Where to begin...

Well, officially we celebrated our 1st Anniversary. It's insane to think that it has already been a year since I have married my best friend. We have cried together, fought, been happy, angry, and most of all we have laughed. He makes life so much more than I thought possible. For which I am SO grateful. And I still laugh everyday and love him much more than I ever thought possible.
I am so excited at the prospect of starting a family with him and that he will raise our little boy--and whoever else comes along our journey. In fact, whenever I start freaking out worrying about how I am going to be a parent, I become more calm because I look at him, and know that I can do anything with him by my side.

For our anniversary we decided to do a nice hotel and just relax. I figured this is likely going to be one of the few times in our lives that it will be simple to get away. We went to the aquarium and had a great time.
 We got to pet the manta rays--they felt...strange.
 The aquarium was great. I should have taken more pictures! There were otters that were super cute to watch. A huge Octopus, Jelly Fish (did you know that some of them are actually not animals--they don't have a brain or organs) There were also some River Monsters (TV Show) Fish there. Plus a 13 foot long Anaconda. Oh and don't forget the penguins! They were super adorable. 

We also went shopping that weekend, just looking really, for a gun safe for my hubby. Then we got lost trying to find our hotel. I got very upset and nervous. After a harried phone call and the great help of Google Maps and my Papa, we found our way. 
 The next day we went to Temple Square and took a long scenic route home. It was such a pretty day. But hot! This Spring there has already been record heat. And I know now why people should not have babies in August. We enjoyed our time though.
 Along our scenic route we found a pregnant tree. So of course I had to get a picture taken next to it. How often do we find trees that resemble our bodies? 
It was a good thing that we had a such a good weekend because the next couple weeks were more difficult. After that weekend I had my 3 Hour Blood Glucose Test.

It was miserable. I'm fairly certain it was a sadist who developed this test, and why they decided to give it to pregnant women is beyond me. Mostly I was unprepared for it. I thought this was going to be similar to the 1 hour test. I went by myself thinking that I would be able to accomplish this easily and simply. First you are expected to fast for 12 hours. I have never been really good without food. I'm even worse now with pregnancy. Beyond that too, one of the things I've found about maintaining blood-glucose levels is eating every 3-4 hours, this is something I've been diligent with because I found I feel better. And I eat healthier. So, before I even got to the hospital I didn't feel "amazing". Then I'm told that rather than my silly idea of getting the sugary drink then coming back in 3 hours, I will actually be giving blood, drinking the glucose-drink then coming back every hour to give more blood. I really wasn't happy with that. They laughed when I asked if they could just keep a port in rather than poking me 4 times. To add to my dislike for this test, I lived just far enough away to make it not quite worth going home in between the 3 hours. Luckily, I actually do enjoy being in hospitals.

However, my dislike for this torture test increased when I realized it was making me sick. I think it was the combination of my blood being drawn (I have fainted several times in the past--and not because I dislike needles, Red Cross hates me!) and going without food for what ended up being approximately 16 hours, but I became very light headed and shaky (not really a big surprise). I felt weak. And really, stupid. I can't even take this test by myself. Wes wasn't able to come get me because of his work, and my Dad and little brother were going to pick up my cousin. Thankfully though, there was road construction for my Dad and brother and they came home another way, this allowed them to come pick me up. Zach even got to drive so he was really excited. Even after I finally got food into me, I felt miserable. It wasn't an experience I really will care to relive again. But I'm so grateful that I have family close by who can come help me. I am also very grateful that I have a job which can be semi-flexible and I get sick-leave for. And the results were positive. I do not have gestational diabetes. However, I am still monitoring my sugar intake and eating, more because they were high. All in all, I will say that this has been a positive experience. 

Later that week, we found out that Weston's Aunt had died after short but intense battle with cancer. It's hard to believe how quickly things can happen, especially life. She was only 57 years old. This past Monday we went to her funeral. Her youngest son was our age. It was also Haylee's birthday.
She turned 7! I can't believe it. When I first met her she was 5 and the first thing she did was give me a HUGE hug and said "You're pretty! Wanna go see my room?" Who couldn't love her? She was very good too. No little girl wants to go to a funeral on her birthday. But she was really good and waited until after everything to get her presents. She was good throughout everything and was fairly understanding.

Right before her party I got a phone call from my Mom telling me that my Dad was in the hospital. He'd had a surgery a couple of weeks earlier and ended up getting blood clots, the clot was fairly big so they wanted him under observation. He was in the hospital for 3 days. He is home now, and is doing fairly well. At the time though, I was so scared!! Especially since we had that funeral, I just realized how quick life can be. And how much I need my Dad. He is so amazing, so patient, and is always someone I can turn to. I felt bad because we rushed through cake and ice cream but I just wanted to get to the hospital. Even though I was reassured that he was doing okay. I still had to double check.

He has been home the last few days and has been doing much better. Although he hates not being able to do much. The doctor just barely released him for normal, everyday activity which I'm pretty sure he's going to abuse. Still he's been good with things and has been monitoring his activity a little bit.
Yesterday was Father's Day as well. I can't believe the amazing men I have in my life. I am so grateful, even more so after my scare last week, for my Dad. He is the man I have compared every other man too. And then there is my Father-In-Law. And my husband as a Future-Father.
I am so grateful for each of them. My Father-In-Law has taught Weston how to be a good Father. He has taught him so many wonderful things and has been such a good example. I love talking to him, he always makes me feel loved. He has no problems telling me that he loves me, and puts up with my hugs when we see him. While Wes & I were dating he told Wes that he had to be good to me because "we have to put up with you but it's her choice. And we want to keep her." I am so grateful for him.
And words really can't describe my gratitude for my husband. Really. But as a Father, I am very excited for him. He is so silly and so good with children. He is the guy who you have to drag away from the play ground and will almost always find making faces at a little kid or baby if they are near by. On our 2nd...sort of date, (Halloween) my cousin brought her little boy over and he instantly got on the floor with him and played around until they left. I love that. I am so excited for that.
Yesterday I heard someone say that everybody thinks that they have the best Father and it's true, because each of us were given to the Dad that we needed the most. I think this is true. And I'm so glad that he's the man who gets to be my child's Daddy.
So on that happy great note I hope that everybody had a GREAT Father's Day. And that we all can take the time to step back and realize how blessed we are. Because life is, ultimately, good. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

A Day in the Life...

A couple of weeks ago I took the test to determine if I had Gestational Diabetes. It's a fairly standard test that includes fasting then taking a massive amount of sugar and seeing how your body handles it within an hour. I wasn't diagnosed with it but they called to indicate that the results were borderline and then asked if I would monitor my sugar and carbohydrate intake and come in in 2 weeks. So I took this test last Friday and again the results came back borderline. I was somewhat frustrated when I talked to them about it yesterday because now they want me to take another test, this time a 3 hour glucose test. Maybe I'm a strange person but I'd much prefer if they had skipped the 2nd test and just given the 3 hour test then. If I had known that it would go to another test, I would have insisted on the 3 hour test. However, both Wes and I have decided that we should act like it's a diagnosis and plan on going through the rest of my pregnancy as if I have Gestational Diabetes. For those who are wondering, gestational diabetes is, it is when, mostly due to hormones, a pregnant woman's body stops producing the necessary insulin and therefore increases blood glucose levels. It affects 3-10% of pregnancies (wikipedia). It can lead to risks within the pregnancy such as high blood pressure, complications during birth, and bigger birth weight of the baby. 

So for the last two weeks I have lived in the life of a diabetic monitoring my sugar and carbohydrate intake. (Well, without the pricking my finger daily and checking my blood glucose). I've made a meal plan (that I almost follow) and have done as much web-doctor research possible. (Did you know there is such thing as cyberchondria, in which one is a hypochondriac because of the research they do online?) And I will admit it has been a very educational experience. And I've had many blessings in disguise. The hardest thing I've found through this is that the last part of my pregnancy my little tummy-munchkin CRAVES sweets. I'm normally a salt-craving person. Potato chips, crackers, etc. But lately all I can think about is things like oreos and hot fudge sundaes, etc. So it's been a process learning to monitor that intake and not giving into these cravings. 

Something I've been surprised with is that lack of information available on correctly managing diabetes, particularly gestational diabetes. I had never heard of it until my Dr. talked about the test. And I didn't really internalize the information until my results came back borderline and I was requested to monitor intake. Naively, I just thought that diabetes had more to do with monitoring sugar intake, not all carbohydrates. And I thought if I just replaced stuff with sugar-free that I was off the hook. WRONG! I'm very glad to have found the few resources that I have because they've given me more information and allowed me to be more insightful while making my decisions. For instance: 15g-19g of Carbohydrates is 1 serving size. A 4 oz. glass of 100% orange juice is 12 g. So 1 serving. An 8 oz. glass of milk is also 1 serving of carbohydrates. I never would have thought about this information. And in the past I drink Orange Juice by the gallon. 

Another thing I've learned is that managing blood-glucose levels include eating snacks and such during the day then smaller meals. This is something I'd been doing just because I haven't been able to eat as much but I've been hungry more often throughout my pregnancy. However, I found a guide that explains you should eat 2 servings of Carbohydrates for breakfast, 1 serving for a mid-morning snack (Same with mid-afternoon, and night-time snacks) and 2-3 servings for lunch and dinner. I've also found that it's very good to put protein in your body rather than sugar.

Now I have to note that through this I have NOT monitored my blood sugar daily, just monitored my carbohydrate intake and tried to input my carbs as whole-grain whenever possible. I'm not perfect at this. I have, since this test, eaten cake and ice cream and bagels and flavored cream cheese. Which is something I'm going to get better at. However, I've found at Walmart some Glucerna Snack Bars which only provides one carb choice...unlike many other sweets, and really isn't bad tasting. I have only tried the Chocolate Peanut butter, but it's more filling than a candy bar and almost as tasty. And I am going to begin monitoring my blood glucose levels...if Walmart has any of the finger prick things. Also, my next Dr. appointment is next week and I will talk to my Dr. about monitoring this as well as working with a dietician as needed.

ANOTHER VERY IMPORTANT THING TO NOTE: Because, I'm slightly forgetful and should have mentioned this earlier but EXERCISE!!! This is another very important aspect of monitoring glucose level--not to mention maintaining health. 

I go on at least 2 20-minute walks a day while at work. Occasionally I try to walk after work as well, in the evenings. I have a goal to get better at this. 

All around this has been a very interesting experience. One I'd prefer not to repeat but it is likely that it will be a problem through any other pregnancy I have.

I've found it's an educational, emotional process. I have learned a lot of information that I'm sure will be helpful in other aspects of life as well.